Appel à communication. Les ordres religieux face à la maladie
L’AFHRC signale l’appel à candidature pour la participation à un séminaire interdisciplinaire annuel organisé conjointement par le département des Études catholiques et la chaire Hotschneider en études vincentiennes occupée par Matthieu Brejon de Lavergnée et qui portera sur les les ordres religieux face à à la maladie.
Programme : A fame, peste et bello, libera nos, Domine. Religious orders facing disease
The Department of Catholic Studies and the Holtschneider Chair in Vincentian Studies will host a pluri-disciplinary seminar at DePaul University, Chicago in 2020-21 where the organizers will reflect on Religion and disease, understood in its wider meaning (outbreaks, endemic diseases, epidemics, pandemics,…).
More specifically, the organizers will consider how religious orders dealt with diseases that disrupted the lives of societies or were part of their almost everyday life. Many paths can be explored : religious institutions which took care of the sick, contribution of religious orders to public health policies, gender issues of care and disease, professionalization of religious personnel, preaching and theology, devotional practices, representations of illness and death, etc.
The scope of the seminar series will range from the 15th c. (after the Black Death) to the present day, and can include any geographical area. It will promote a dynamic historiography of religious orders by emphasising a comparative and transnational approach to their history.
The seminar will be organized through zoom or in person in Chicago, USA, depending on the reopening of the campus, with a communication planned every month. It is anticipated that the papers will be published in a peer-refereed academic journal.
Proposals are to be sent before September 15, 2020 to Dr. Matthieu Brejon de Lavergnée (m.brejon[a] and Dr. Emanuele Colombo (ecolombo[a]
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Nicolas Champ (27 juillet 2020). Appel à communication. Les ordres religieux face à la maladie. Carnet de l’Association française d’histoire religieuse contemporaine. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse