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Annual General Meeting of the International Commission of Historians of Religion CIHEC, Prague, June 12-14, 2023

The International Commission of Historians of Religion, the Centre for Religious History of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences and the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University organize the general meeting of the CIHEC ( of 2023. It will take place in Prague from June 12 to June 14, 2023.

The general meeting has the character of a conference, for which we have the honour to announce a

Call for Papers : deadline 1st of March 23

on the theme

Religion and Change:
Religious impulses for societal change and societal impulses for religious reform

The aim of the conference is to explore phenomena which brought profound impulses and challenges for religion, theology, doctrine, society as well as for the thinking and attitudes of individuals. These impulses can derive from within systems of religious belief and practice, but can also stem from outside these systems. The focus is on the interaction between religion, society and the individual in respect to change and reform.

In all periods of church history religious entities like churches and communities, and religiously motivated attitudes on a more individual level, have been both agent and receptor for change in society. The conference is therefore open for papers about the Early Church till contemporary developments.

Papers could examine e.g. forms of communication of religious meaning in media, in society and between individuals and its potential and contribution for change. This includes also the areas of architecture, art, religious rituals and practices. Religious communication is taking place in gatherings of groups and communities, but also on a more individual level as an expression of personal piety.

Further aspects of the theme of the conference can be found in the field of religious innovation which present a challenge to society. Here one could think of various forms and stages of christianization, religious awakenings and intensifications of religious experiences.

The wider circle of the theme comprises also issues of the organization of religion in society. Here questions of the relations between church and state, and of positions of religious communities in the political and societal domain occur.

The organizers intend to structure the program according to the thematic fields mentioned above.

Papers can be presented in the major languages, preferably in English, German or French. We strongly recommend to accompany papers by a visual presentation (Power Point or similar). These should in all cases be in English (even if the paper is in German or French).

Proposals for papers include a title and a short summary of up to a 150 words which highlights the specific contribution of the proposed paper. They have to be sent at the latest on March 1, 2023 to Applicants will be informed whether their proposal is accepted after March 15, 2023.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
afhrc (21 février 2023). Annual General Meeting of the International Commission of Historians of Religion CIHEC, Prague, June 12-14, 2023. Carnet de l’Association française d’histoire religieuse contemporaine. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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