Valentina Ciciliot, John Maiden, Charles Mercier (dir.), « Breaking Through the Stained-Glass Ceiling? Case Studies on Female Catholicism and Its Transnational Developments Since the 1950s », dossier JoMaCC
Valentina Ciciliot (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), John Maiden (Open University) et Charles Mercier (Université de Bordeaux) ont coordonné un numéro spécial de Journal of Modern and Contemporary Christianity (JoMaCC), intitulé « Breaking Through the Stained-Glass Ceiling? Case Studies on Female Catholicism and Its Transnational Developments Since the 1950s »
Le numéro est accessible en Open Access à l’adresse :
Il contient les articles suivants :
Editorial Valentina Ciciliot, John Maiden, Charles Mercier
Recovering the Legacy of the Thought of Catholic Lay Women (1945-62) Natalia Núñez Bargueño
Adriana Zarri: The Power of a Lay Woman’s Voice Mariangela Maraviglia
Crossing the Stained-Glass Ceiling of Theology: The Proclamation of the First Women as Doctors of the Church Clarisse Tesson
Charisma, Gender and ‘Glocality’: Catholic Charismatic Women in the 1970s John Maiden
Breaking through the Stained-Glass Ceiling During John Paul II’s Pontificate? Women, Feminism and World Youth Days Charles Mercier
From the Silent Revolution to Sexual Abuse Scandals : The Question of ‘Women’s Place’ in French Catholicism Céline Béraud
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
afhrc (23 mai 2023). Valentina Ciciliot, John Maiden, Charles Mercier (dir.), « Breaking Through the Stained-Glass Ceiling? Case Studies on Female Catholicism and Its Transnational Developments Since the 1950s », dossier JoMaCC. Carnet de l’Association française d’histoire religieuse contemporaine. Consulté le 8 octobre 2024 à l’adresse